Bağlantısal Eylemin Mantığı: Sayısal Medya ve Çekişmeci Siyasetin Kişiselleştirilmesi
(The Rationale of Connected Action: Personalization of the Digital Media and the Contender Politics )

Yazar : W. Lance Bennett - Alexandra Segerberg   Çeviren  Burak Özçetin
Türü : Derleme Makalesi
Baskı Yılı : 2015
Sayı : 83
Sayfa : 49-74
6013    2339

Türkçe özet bulunmamaktadır. The Arab Spring and the Anger in Spain and the Wall Street Occupation (and In the ongoing protest of massive and continuous, digital media is simply exchanging messages are used in forms that go far beyond. Some of these action occurrences are formal brick and mortar companies are relatively small in size. Others, personalized public participation possible

Anahtar Kelimeler
kolektif eylem; çekişmeci siyaset; sayısal medya

The Arab Spring and the Anger in Spain and the Wall Street Occupation (and In the ongoing protest of massive and continuous, digital media is simply exchanging messages are used in forms that go far beyond. Some of these action occurrences are formal brick and mortar companies are relatively small in size. Others, personalized public participation possible

collective action; intriguing politics; digital media